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1. Join DHASH & CTA

Become a member of DHASH by joining the Catamount Trail Association (CTA) and choosing the option to join the DHASH chapter.  About 30% of your dues will go directly to the DHASH chapter to help pay for things like safety equipment for volunteers, specialized tools, maintaining the website, etc.  The rest of your dues will support CTA.  You can learn about the benefits of CTA membership, including a great coupon book, guided tours, skills clinics, workshops and more, on their website.  Click the link to go directly to the CTA membership page. 

2. Sign up for Work Days

We'll be organizing volunteer work days and welcome anybody willing to donate some muscle power, whether you are a formal member of DHASH of not.  If you want to be on our email list to get announcements of work days, click the button below to sign up.  If you can haul brush, wield loppers, or manipulate a hand saw, we can use your help.  (Chain sawyers will have to pass Forest Service certification.)  Please, do NOT go out into the woods and start cutting trails or glades on your own.  We're working closely with Forest Service rangers to plan approved projects.

3. Volunteer off-mountain

We all love to be out in the woods, either skiing or working to make better skiing possible.  But it's also fun to be part of the group that does the behind-the-scenes work.  We can use help with managing the website, supporting the Facebook page, putting out public announcements, planning on-the-mountain activities . . . the list goes on and on.  We have an Executive Committee that handles the business of the Chapter, and an Advisory Board that offers additional expertise and manpower.  Want to join us?  Click the link.

4. Donate

Want to support our efforts but can't join us out in the woods?  We would be very grateful for your financial support.  As a CTA Chapter, all our finances are handled by CTA, so clicking the link will take you to CTA's website, to a donation page dedicated to DHASH.  100% of your donation will go to DHASH to help us buy tools and safety equipment for volunteers to use in the woods, materials for signs and kiosks, support for our online presence, and other needs.  Thank you!

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